3C Spirit Stones
First of many products that 3C Studios will provide...
Last updated
First of many products that 3C Studios will provide...
Last updated
3C Studios Spirit Stone Mint Details
UTILITY: 1. Win percentages of Exclusive Mangafied Airdrop Raffle with Partnered Projects: - Holding one Spirit Stone gives you a 33.3% chances of winning an airdrop. - Holding two Spirits Stones gives 66.6% chances of winning an airdrop. - Holding three Spirit Stones gives you a 99.9% or Guaranteed Airdrop with partnered projects. 2. Guaranteed Airdrops from all projects under 3C Studios, with Yokai as the first subsidiary project, will be distributed to Spirit Stone holders. Keep in mind that one is enough to maximize the benefits for this utility. 3. Exclusive Whitelist raffle giveaways 4. Access to 3C Studios services (under approval by the board of 3C Studios through strict criteria to be released in the future) 5. Exclusive Revenue Sharing Model - More information will be released once we provide a transparency report in regards of fund allocations and revenue percentage splits. 6. Exclusive DAO which has access to remarkable and well-known alpha callers and hunters in the space.